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Nursing Staff Spotlight

May 12th, 2024

At first, Jimmie never envisioned a career in nursing. With a solid career in banking, he felt content until life presented an unexpected opportunity. His brother initially nudged him toward nursing, but it wasn’t until a friend at church suggested he become a caretaker for a young paraplegic that Jimmie found his true calling. Helping this young man with daily activities didn’t feel like work—it felt like a purpose. When the opportunity to attend nursing school arose, it felt like fate guiding him toward a new purpose.

One memorable experience during nursing school involved working at an assisted living facility where some residents were initially reluctant to accept his care. Initially, cultural and gender differences made some residents hesitant to accept his care. However, Jimmie’s persistence and willingness to go above and beyond, like returning to share meals with residents after his night shifts, eventually won their trust and allowed him to build strong relationships.  His actions reinforced his commitment to nursing.

Jimmie’s calm demeanor is particularly beneficial in his work with patients with mental health challenges and disabilities.  Now in the second cycle of his travel nurse contract with Open Door Personnel, Jimmie appreciates the agency’s commitment to providing quality, diverse assignments and extended contracts that provide stability.

The culture at Open Door Personnel, defined by its commitment to creating doors of opportunities and valuing its healthcare professionals, has had a positive impact on Jimmie’s work-life balance. Switching from night shifts to more regular hours has significantly improved his health and well-being, enhancing both his personal and professional life.

The flexibility of his assignments has allowed Jimmie to pursue his interest in stock market day trading, aligning with his goals of financial independence and early retirement. He encourages others to invest in the future, particularly for the benefit of the next generation.

A recent act of kindness—a rare hug from a typically reserved patient—highlighted the impact of Jimmie’s compassionate care. These moments remind him of the significant difference small gestures can make in patients’ lives.

Jimmie’s advice to aspiring nurses is simple yet powerful: “You Can Do It!” While he initially dreamed of working in pediatric or hospice care, he has found great satisfaction in the mental health and disability sector. Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic, he notes that the importance of nurses has never been clear.

In his downtime, Jimmie enjoys grounding in nature, watching movies, listening to music, exercising, and learning about natural food lifestyles. He is inspired by documentaries like “What the Health” and takes pride in being a devoted husband and father.

When asked if there is a specific accomplishment or area of expertise he would like to highlight, Jimmie responded, “No, there is actually a failure of mine I would like to highlight.”  Sharing his own experience of returning to nursing school and coming up short. He believes failure offers valuable lessons and opportunities for personal development. His favorite quote, “Don’t count the days, make the days count,” by Muhammad Ali, encapsulates his philosophy on life and nursing.

Jimmie also views failure as a critical part of growth, sharing his own experience of returning to nursing school and coming up short. He believes that failure offers valuable lessons and opportunities for personal development.

His favorite quote, “Don’t count the days, make the days count,” by Muhammad Ali, encapsulates his philosophy on life and nursing.

Ebony Green
May 5th, 2024

In the heart of every busy medical facility lies unsung heroes working diligently to ensure quality patient care. Today, we shine a spotlight on one of Open Door Personnel’s RN heroes — MEET EBONY GREEN. As a valued member of the Open Door Personnel Nursing team since June 2019, Ebony’s journey has been a mix of passion, perseverance, and a whole lot of heart.

Ebony’s love for nursing goes way back to her childhood days spent helping her dad recover from knee surgery. Her father’s words – “You have a healing touch” – echoed in her mind, igniting a passion that would shape her future and a desire to make people feel better.

Coming from a family of nurses, including her mom, grandma, and aunt, Ebony was practically born with a stethoscope around her neck. She started her career as an LPN, primarily caring for the senior population. But she didn’t stop there. In 2023, she achieved a new milestone becoming an RN. This achievement not only symbolized her personal growth but also underscored her unwavering commitment to enhancing her skills for the betterment of her patients.

One of the reasons Ebony loves working for Open Door Personnel is the flexibility the agency offers. Whether it’s accommodating her drill weekends, supporting her educational pursuits, or simply allowing her some well-deserved time off, Open Door Personnel has been a steadfast ally in Ebony’s journey to balance her professional and personal life.

Ebony’s nursing motto is simple: To leave her patients feeling better than you found them. Whether it’s a smile, a joke, or a listening ear, she’s all about spreading positivity.

When she’s not busy saving the world one patient at a time, Ebony enjoys hanging out with her two boys and getting her hands dirty in her garden. She’s a firm believer in finding joy in life’s simple pleasures. But it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Ebony knows firsthand the challenges facing the nursing profession, especially the shortage of nurses. Yet, she faces it head-on with determination and a sprinkle of optimism.

Ebony Green RN isn’t just a nurse – she’s a ray of sunshine in scrubs. Her journey reminds us that with a little heart and a lot of passion, anything is possible. So here’s to Ebony and all the nurses out there who tirelessly dedicate themselves to the care of others.